Peter Lorimer Podcast

How To Fight Off The Insecurity Demon / Peter Lorimer - The Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast



Greetings and Welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast; I am your host, Peter Lorimer, Partner/VP of Corcoran Global Living in Los Angeles and master motivator. Do you ever find yourself paralyzed with insecurity, not sure which way to go, and petrified of any direction you might take? This episode is a very personal one of how I overcome the demon of insecurity. It all begins and ends with your actions, how you work, what you can share, and what you can give to others. Take a listen to start trusting the universe and be fearless!   Golden Nuggets from this episode:   [00:16[ "some people are naturally full of bravado and fearless, I am not one of them and I have to work through my insecurities"   [01:51] "We put our best foot forward and then mother universe, the good Lord, whatever it is out there, maybe a higher power than you will decide the rest."   [03:33] "When I am rattled with insecurity, it means that my ego is telling me, I should get this and I'm trying to control the outcome."   [06:39] "I