Peter Lorimer Podcast

Success Leaves Breadcrumbs / Peter Lorimer - The Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast



Greetings and welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates. Building your brand is crucial. It's crucial to your business and specifically to the longevity of it. Social media is getting saturated by big brands. This means you must get creative. Stand out by being yourself and putting that out into the digital world. Your voice must be heard. When creating content, or really with anything I've done, I follow my gut. I've learned to treat data as an indicator, not a navigator, of what I should be doing. I used to be obsessed with comments and likes. I watched the numbers and pandered to them. I created content that moved towards what I thought people wanted. My own voice wasn't heard. I stopped creating with that frame of mind and started creating things that I loved. And anytime I've done that, the end result has been immensely bette