Partners In Crime

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Why is Bob running out of laptops? Will he stop fiddling with his phone and pay attention? And just how much are our hosts looking forward to being able to present the podcast from Adam's garden?   Find out in this week's episode of Partners in Crime with Adam Croft and Robert Daws.   Bob recommends we all go and listen to the podcast Obsessed With Line of Duty, Adam reveals how many people tuned in to Aberdeen's virtual crime writing festival Granite Noir and we hear all about another brilliant ITV crime drama. This week, it's McDonald & Dodds starring Tala Gouveia and Jason Watkins.    Adam discusses a article in which actor John Simm reveals that he hopes ITV adapt all seventeen of Peter James' Roy Grace books, while Bob provides some in-depth, expert football analysis. Well, he talks about something called 'soccer' and the lack of an 'audience' during lockdown.   ~ Moriarty ~     March's Patreon FREE book of the month from Kobo is The First Lie by Virginia King https://www.kob