Healthy Business Healthy Family Show With Leslie Hassler

Practice Active Waiting In Your Business



Do you have those moments of wishing for things to work faster in your business? I know that I sure do.  I’ve never been the most patient of a person in almost any aspect of my life.  I always feel like things should happen faster and quicker. A couple weeks ago in my morning meditations, I came across this concept of “active waiting”.  That is, being a participant in the waiting for results to roll in.  After, it does take a little bit for the right things to line up in the right way.  Actively waiting in your business is key to being ready when the result you are looking for is finally here. It is about tidying up loose ends, clearing the way and being prepare for what is coming next. Listen to this week’s motivational moment for business owners. Listen Here: Via   Via Designs By Caley Via Brainy Quote via Hey Quotes via MyHeartBelongsToChrist |