Healthy Business Healthy Family Show With Leslie Hassler

Why Positioning Your Business is Hard



Nancy Marmolejo, Founder of T.A.G. The Intersection of Talent and Genius Join us this week as we speak with marketing expert, Nancy Marmolejo of Talent and Genius.  Nancy shares why so many people exhaust themselves trying find the ‘right way’ to market their business. Find out how your talents and genius create an irresistible way to attract your perfect clients. BIO: Nancy Marmolejo can see your genius and show you how to position it in the marketplace. Her proven methods not only dig deeply into who you are as a person, but connect to the very success of your business. That’s the intersection of Talent and Genius (T.A.G.). She ignites the light inside you, and from there you’re unstoppable. Your competition dissolves, you’re crystal clear on the importance of your work, and all of your marketing falls into place. That’s why top coaches, consultants, and service professionals work with Nancy: because they know she’s the best person around to connect you to your unique Talent and Genius. In business since 20