Healthy Business Healthy Family Show With Leslie Hassler

28 Days of Gratitude Love Your Self



Every entrepreneur needs a little motivation, especially on Mondays – the hardest day of the week. Be sure to join us every week and get your dose! Be sure to join us for the 28 days of gratitude challenge this month on Howdy!  Welcome to the first day of February!  For this month's motivational moments series...I want to do something a bit different. I want to challenge you to 30 Days of Gratitude. 30 Days of falling back into love or even falling deeper into with yourself, your life and your business. This goes against all of the marketing 'accumen' that says that I should be making you feel the pain of the situation; you are in.  But that's not my style. What I know is that your greatest moments of success might be sparked by the pain or unhappiness you are currently experiencing - but your greatest potential is sparked when you give and receive love and gratitude. So, no matter where you are on the happiness scale - it can always be improved. Ready to start? Each day this week, Joi