Healthy Business Healthy Family Show With Leslie Hassler

The Your Biz Rules of Social Media



There are RULES in your business that make things simple and easy for you to have a profitable business that gives you the time to enjoy it and the freedom to serve your big purpose.  Leslie Hassler, you’re Your Biz Rules, shares  the RULES of social media- giving you the gift of a getting more done in your business and growing it too.  Listen to this business coaching moment and find out what you might be missing about using outsourcing as a strategy to grow your business. There are 5 Rules to Using Social Media in Your Business and Today Leslie Hassler goes deep on the how to use social media to grow your business. R = Regulate 1. Regulate the number of channels your are one.  The social media channels you select should support an measurble goal AND be one where your businesses' clients will likely be.  You also need to regulate your communication so you can be consistent and frequent.  It often takes daily interaction with a social media channel to see momentum build. U = Understand 2.  Understand not just