Annie And Danny's Fastpass Podcast

Ep 117 - Smoked Fish Dip



Annie and Dan return again on this Indigenous People's Day to discuss Annie's screening of the cinematic classic 'Spooky Buddies', the Miami Dolphins coach doing cocaine, and Summer blockbusters with real snowy or cold settings (prompted by Annie's re-watch of the Beauty and the Beast live action film from this Spring), how Annie only has 3 mom stories now, Dan's impression of Tom Cruise's new movie "American Made", and how they've slowly been world building around the memes of the podcast this whole time.  The duo spend the last half of the show talking about the planned portion of Dan's itinerary for his upcoming Disney trip. They'll be trying some new restaurants (Morimoto Asia, Art Smith's Homecoming, Jungle Skipper), and some new rides (Flight of Passage, Frozen Ever After), and enjoying the Epcot Food and Wine Festival.