Down At The Crossroads - Music. Magick. Paganism.

DatC #048 - The Cunning Peter Paddon



Hello and thank you once again for joining me down at the crossroads for some music, magick, and Paganism. Where witches gather for the sabbath, offerings are made, pacts are signed for musical fame and we cross paths with today's most influential Pagans, occultists, and deep thinkers. Tonight, we meet with The Crooked Path walking Cunningman himself Peter Paddon to discuss Traditional Witchcraft. Peter and I had a great conversation about witchcraft and his thoughts on deity, the mysteries, his work, and what he had planned in the future. Peter was very big on utilizing technology in his teaching and in making himself available to the rest of the community. However, the heartbreaking reality of this interview is that Peter passed away quietly in his sleep three days after I spoke with him. His family made an announcement online about his passing and an obituary for him was written by Heather Greene for The Wild Hunt. My heart goes out to him and his family during this time. Though he was in the middle of a