Elite Agents Real Estate Podcast With Debbie De Grote

Name Tags And Branded Shirts #324



Hello and welcome to Debbie's Daily Tips. I wonder, do you ever wear a name tag or maybe a branded polo shirt, or another piece of career apparel that identifies you as a real estate agent? I get it, some of you listening or reading may be very fashion forward, always making sure you are dressed sharp and look right. And I totally understand. However, every day I hear stories of people who are at the grocery store, at the carwash, putting gas in their car, picking up their kids from school, sitting on the soccer fields, all in their branded career apparel or wearing a name tag, and they pick up a fabulous lead. Because you know what people love to talk about? Real estate. The fact that you are easily identifiable as a real estate agent makes you approachable. In fact, I remember when I was a young agent and I was doing well, I was selling on average 12 to 15 homes a month, working hard. I had an agent in my office that always was just right behind me. Our difference was always right around just a couple homes