Elite Agents Real Estate Podcast With Debbie De Grote

Stand Out As The Wise Advisor #317



Hello and welcome to Debbie's Daily Tips. As we talk about the strong finish of 2018, something that I say a lot is, “Stand out as the wise adviser.” Here's what I mean by that. As you prepare for the year ahead, think about increasing your market knowledge and expertise. Today’s consumers can go online and check their values, which may or may not be accurate. They can do a Google search and get answers to any question imaginable. But to put it all together really requires the wisdom of a wise adviser. My husband and I recently sold our house and purchased another. My husband has been active in the real estate business for over 35 years and he said to me, “You know, Debbie, you are the most annoying buyer and seller I've had for a long time.” It is amazing how challenging it can be to navigate the buying, the selling, the ups, the downs, the waiting for contingency removal, the inspections, the walkthroughs – it’s all very, very stressful. So we need to hold their hand through that process, right? They're not