Elite Agents Real Estate Podcast With Debbie De Grote

Find Listings Now Part 3 #266



Hello and welcome to Debbie's Daily Tips! We’re continuing on with our series: Best tips to find listings now, and today we’re on number 11.   Consider working divorce filings. 22% of homeowners who file for divorce list within 12 months of filing. We know they need help, as it’s a very stressful, very trying time. Contact old expireds. 90% typically list within 18 months. So contact them!  Call them, knock on their door, let’s go find them!  Send an “I have a buyer” letter to at least 100 homeowners for each buyer that you are working with, because you might as well hit those neighborhoods. If you are willing, I’d love it if you’d call or door knock behind those 100 letters. Another idea is to contact landlords who are trying to rent their properties and ask if they would consider selling. You know how it is if you own rental property. Just when you get everything all ramped up and ready to go, you have this thought, do you really want to rent this property to someone who’s just going to tear it up on