Elite Agents Real Estate Podcast With Debbie De Grote

Find Listings Now Part 2 #265



Hello and welcome to Debbie's Daily Tips. Today we’re going on with our series of: best tips to find listings – now.  We left off with tip #5 so now we’re on tip #6: Preview 5 new properties each day. New listings from the hot sheet or bulletin.  Knock 10 doors on each side, talk to the neighbors and find out, do they also want to make a move?   And you never know – they may know of a buyer for the home.  And you know what’s really cool about this.  Because they’re not quite sure how or if you’re connected to the neighbor – they’re often rather friendly and certainly very helpful in terms of trying to find a favored person to move next door.  And they always are nosy so it makes for very easy conversation. See every for sale by owner in your town. I get it that in some markets there’s just not a lot of for sale by owners, but you might as well keep eyes on them.   Go see them, because If they won’t list with you, you can always use them for pocket inventory. Because expireds are few and far between in some m