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Ep 0053 The Roadmap to Financial Wellness and a Purposeful Life with Jason Vitug



Money Learnings: Jason' Parent would not talk about money - so Jason started with zero knowledge. He learned about money through his job in a credit union.    Takeaway: You only live once so create the life you want to live.    Action step: What one small step can you make this week to clarify what you want in life?  Thank you to the FinCon Podcast Network for allowing us to record this episode. Jason Vitug, BIO: I am a people-person. I gravitate towards areas that educate, inspire, and uplift people. I’m an idea man, a go-to-person; adventure seeker and a couch surfer; a helper and a leader; a realist and a dreamer. I’m fascinated by the world around me and equally curious in the ability to create our reality. I’m a financial wellness expert empowering a generation to live their best life through health and wealth. I spent 8.5 years in banking and when the opportunity came to become a successor CEO, I chose to resign instead. I didn’t want to wake up one day realizing I chose comfort over serving a purpose.