

Today we have Lane Kawaoka from to discuss mindsets as they relate to real estate. Lane currently owns 11 rentals across 4 “blue-chip” states (Georgia, Indiana, Alabama, and Pennsylvania). He spends a lot of his free time writing blog posts and podcasting on his “adventures in real estate investing” in order to inspire novice and experienced buy and hold passive investors. Lane a busy professional himself, does not believe in the get rich real estate tricks and urges those like him to work hard at their best and highest use – their day job to save money and acquire real estate via conventional 20-25% down fixed financing. Lane’s true passion and the Blog and ‘Simple Passive Cashflow Podcast’ became his outlet for contribution to others. Lane has given so many investors the mentorship to build portfolios of their own. Unfortunately, many of his followers are so busy that they cannot justify the effort to invest in direct investments of their own. For these people they choose to partn