Richer Soul: Life Beyond Money. You Got Rich Now What? Focus On Freedom, Abundance, Financial Security, Early Retirement, We

Ep 0016 Richer Soul - Finding your kids talents with Jonathan Harris 10k to Talent



  Today we are chatting with Jonathan Harris who left a corporate job to start a company with his wife and kids. We will explore that journey along with how he helps parents find their kids talents. If you just want to hear the second part skip to 46:20 minute mark. About Jonathan: As a homeschooling father with nine children in the home (my oldest child is currently 18 years old), I began to earnestly look for ways to make the standard educational time more productive and worthwhile. My fear was that we were going to spend so much time perfecting educational details and still wind up getting to where we really didn’t want to be. Instead I wanted to be able to give my children an inspiration to develop early in their life a focus and a drive to cultivating something that they would eventually be very, very good at, and maybe even something that they could use to provide for themselves with a generous living. As a result, I started experimenting with dovetailing