

When you master your mindset you free yourself to achieve the level of success you desire. Frederique Murphy   We always seem to compare ourselves to the people more successful than us, or to the success we want to have, rarely do we turn around and look at all the success we have had and how far we have come. When you do that you can be grateful and content with what you have. The reality is that most people listening to this podcast are in the top couple % of success in the world and living with more luxury than most people in this history of civilization.   So often we have great intentions of what we want to do and then we don't do it. Sometimes we sabotage our own success and other times "life" gets in the way. In addition to overcoming ourselves and our limiting beliefs, we also have to overcome our genetics. The world has dramatically changed in the last 100 or so years. Life used to be very different 500 years ago and for thousands of years, it barely changed. We are now living in a time of the bend