Worlds Of Wayne

Episode 88



On this episode of Worlds of Wayne I welcome Lauren Mulderrig. Currently on tour with band mate and guitarist Alex Barnett, she is making her way across the country and stopped off in Omaha to play a show at Mick's. Turns out it was the last show Mick's would have as the place changed ownership shortly after. We will miss that place. Alex is also a guitarist in the hardcore band Stick To Your Guns and we play a tune at the end of the episode from them. Check out her Myspace page for the 4th video tour diary as they shot some of the interview and had some very kind words to say about the experience. In other news - my mom is now on facebook. Music:"Land of Memory" by Times Beach"Enough's Enough" by Stick To Your GunsLinks:Lauren Mulderrig on MyspaceStick To Your Guns online