Worlds Of Wayne

Episode 80



This episode welcomes Omaha band Race For Titles to the show. Jamie and Zac both come in and bring their new album "The Closer" in and we chat about the making of this amazing disk and give listeners a preview of the songs. Today is Thanksgiving as well as episode 80. I would like to say that I am very thankful of all my listeners and guests. Thanks for supporting the show for the past 2+ years. It has truly been a pleasure having some absolutely great guests, bands, and music on the show. Thanks again to all that have donated as part of the Worlds of Wayne Donation Drive. Mystery packages will be hitting the post soon so keep an eye on your mailbox kiddies. As always, please feel free to call the show and leave a comment on voicemail. Also, if you subscribe, please leave a review on the iTunes page. Happy holidays to you all and I hope this one finds you safe, happy, and full of turkey. Music:"Sleep Come Lately" by Malpais- four songs off of the new album by Race For Titles.