Worlds Of Wayne

Episode 75



Cheers to Sammy. This episode is dedicated to my sister-in-law who I have had the privilege of knowing for several years. She is leaving for a job with her company in London, and I hope my friends there get in touch. We will miss her like mad. I recorded a bit of our trip to visit her in Chicago, a city that my wife and I fell in love with because of Sammy. Chi-town will never be the same without her, but we have made some great connections there. Enjoy the music and the party commentary. Music:"Marks" - by Seneca"Feelings Without Weight" - by Chris Trapper"Poets Way" - by Brad Hoshaw"Get Better" - by Mates of State"Living Downtown" - by Chris TrapperDonate to the Worlds of Wayne Donation Drive. Use the Pay Pal button on the right sidebar or go here and learn more...WORLDS OF WAYNE DONATION DRIVE