Worlds Of Wayne

Episode 57



Flight Metaphor joins me in the studio for an interview and a couple of songs. The band has a debut album on the horizon as well as a CD release show. They were nice enough to bring in chips and salsa. Maybe I should require all my guests to bring in snacks! Or booze...Flight Metaphor on MyspaceSpeaking of booze, here is the drink that changed our summer. The Tom Collins. Thanks to guest Darren Keen of the Show is the Rainbow. We found this recipe and have been drinking them ever since.2 shots gin1 shot lemon juice1 tablespoon sugarlots of ice---put into shaker and shake the shit out of it to dissolve the sugar. Strain into collins glass filled with ice. ---Add 3 oz of club soda. Garnish with slice of lemon. Enjoy. Music:"I'm Dungeons You're Dragons" by The Alligators"Flat OnYour Face / Slagathor" by Flight Metaphor