Worlds Of Wayne

Worlds of Wayne Episode 20



It's a dirty job... My interview with Krista Detor. It was very cool. Check out part of her bio below. She will be playing in Omaha on Jan 26th at Mick's. Her album Mudshow is fantastic and I urge everyone to pick it up on iTunes or from her website. An up and coming Americana songwriter and performer, Krista began her performing career playing the wedding-cocktail party circuit as a sixteen year old in Los Angeles. While running at breakneck speed from the onset of adulthood � hiding out in Louisiana shotgun shacks, a flat in Seoul, a travel trailer, thirteen different apartments and one haunted house � she�s managed to live and perform all over the U.S. and parts of Asia. Around the turn of the century, she inexplicably found herself in the Midwest and fell in love with the rolling green hills of Southern Indiana. With the release of her new CD, Mudshow, Krista has begun to reach new levels of critical acclaim and national attention, as she tours the U.S. Krista's site