Nikki Nigl's About Women

TO HAVE KIDS or NOT TO HAVE KIDS - There Is No Wrong Answer



Each month this podcast will be a continuation of the conversation started the night before at ABOUT WOMEN in Chicago. Last night we heard stories from 5 women about their decision to have children or not to have children. This podcast is a judgment-free place for women to hear different sides of the story. To be clear, we are not anti men - we are pro women. It’s not about them, it’s about us. Do you have kids? Do you not have kids? Are you in flux? Are you still trying to figure it all out? All of this is ok. HOSTS Nikki Nigl: @IAmNikkiNigl I’m a Women’s EmpowHERment Coach – I help women get their shit together. I’m 40 years old, married, and I have a 14-year old stepson. Carrie Reffitt: @catpantsmedia I’m a 37-year old visual storyteller, marketing consultant, and queer woman. I’ve always wanted kids; however, my partner and I split up a few years ago. With time ticking away, I’m now on the fence. Danielle Holtz - @uradiate I’m a 30-year old theatre educator and storyteller. I’ve been married for si