Ernie Bedlam's Bedtime Stories

Ernie Bedlams Half a Podcast, Between Fourth and Fifth



Ernie Bedlam’s Bedtime Stories Episode 4.5 – April 22, 2017 This episode includes one story. One damn story. Consider it a ‘teaser’ of sorts, something to keep your Bedlam jones under control until we can get it together for a full podcast. Per usual, Ernie Bedlam is conceived, written and narrated by Craig Champlin. This episode also features one damn song, ‘Me Oh My’ by Craig Champlin, from a live performance at S.P.A.C.E. in Evanston, IL, and features Cathie Van Wert Menard on violin. I would tell you the year, but Craig couldn’t tell me the year. So there’s that. Seeing as we’re simply pushing out the merest of work this week, sound effects are minimal and not worth mentioning The usual bumpers apply, provided by Tim Menard, “King of Glenwood Ave”, and Vernon Tonges, “The Teddy Bears Picnic” (John Walter Brannon) Buy your own copy of “The Ernie Bedlam Stories” at Cover art by Robert Johnson, from a photo by Maureen Collins. Produced by Dorothy Conway, Mighty Small