Milling About

Milling About with Filmmaker Ari Taub



Indie filmmaker Ari Taub joins host Robin Milling to talk about his new movie, 79 Parts, available today on VOD. Ari tells Robin the film was 15 years in the making but worth all the effort.  It might be an indie but boasts the movie star Eric Roberts who took on the role for much less than his usual pay grade. Taub credtis Donna McKenna, the five-borough casting guru for snagging Roberts. Ari tells Robin the well prepared actor has an interesting way of goofing off between takes. Rounding out the cast are Angelica Page, a personal friend of Taub's, Lou Martini, Jr. (The Sopranos) and Sandra Bernhard. .  Ari tells Robin lots of stories behind how the film finally made it to the light of day, which did not include a release date in 2016, according to IMDB. He reveals how he assembled the impressive collection of vintage 70s cars, and giving his father Stanley Taub a cameo - also a filmmaker - who inspired his son to continue this 'crazy career.'