Hyper Conscious Podcast

#109 - Small Talks: ”Consistency”



NOT A MEMBER OF THE "HYPER CONSCIOUS NATION" YET? Visit www.thehyperconsciouspodcast.com to get access to our behind the scenes content, courses, training programs, articles and build your dream team!!! Are you practicing consistency? -Steadfast adherence to the same principles, course, form, etc.:Alot of people say that they struggle with consistency. But not really, if you're not as consistent with your goals or daily habits as you want to be, you're just practicing consistently letting yourself down. Or maybe you're consistently speaking negatively about yourself.Or maybe you're consistently cheating on your diet. See, there is consistency in those habits, but its just a negative version.Lets practice consistency in the right direction, the direction getting you closer to the best version of yourself!!!