Hyper Conscious Podcast

#95 - Your Story: How It’s Holding You Back And How To Fix It (Scratching The Surface)



NOT A MEMBER OF THE "HYPER CONSCIOUS NATION" YET? Visit www.thehyperconsciouspodcast.com to get access to our behind the scenes content, courses, training programs, articles and build your dream team!!! What's Your "Story"?In this "Scratching The Surface" episode we talk all about how your experiences (and the story you tell yourself about them) can alter your life. Maybe you had a rough childhood, but if you journey through life assuming it was your fault, or assuming you're weaker because of it... Do you think you'll ever live up to your true potential?Choose an empowering story instead. "I had a rough childhood and my goal is to make sure I live up to my own standards now and when I have children I will make it my goal to make sure they never feel like I did." Our past is our past, and the pain is there... It already happened. So you really only have two options.1. Let your past motivate you2. Chain yourself to your past and use it as an anchor. Which