Suze Orman's Women And Money

Ask Suze (and KT) Anything: December 24, 2020



On this edition of Ask Suze (and KT) Anything, Suze answers questions from Women & Money listeners selected and read by KT.   This week’s questions: What is the best way to bring up a prenup? Should we move in with my parents, so we can rent our house for two years and pay off our mortgage faster? Is my monthly Social Security benefit taxable? Can I take Social Security at 68, pay it back and then take the full benefit at 70? What kind of CD Ladder should I get? What should we do with a substantial amount of money we inherited? Will I be taxed on the Regular Minimum Distribution on my IRA, when I take it at 72? This week’s Quizzie:  If you could have a guaranteed wish of A) More money B) More health or C) More time with your loved ones, which would you choose? Join Suze’s Women & Money Community for FREE and ASK SUZE your questions which may just end up on her podcast! To ask Suze a question, download by following one of these links: CLICK HERE FOR APPLE   CLICK HERE FOR GOOGLE PLAY See