Gotham Press

Stings and Squirts



On this episode of Lala's Land (sponsored by Heckler's Handiwork) Lala talks with Bee Stings about fashion and how it can affect our mental health as well as our self-confidence and attitude.  On the Gotham Press Podcast, the gang talks about the Mini-Pufts Character Reveal of the upcoming Ghost Busters: Afterlife movie.  The gang all groans through talking about the announcement from Pepsi of a limited-edition Pepsi/Peeps Marshmallow cola for Spring. Which quickly turns into a soda discussion and a quick history of Coca-Cola. The New Loki Trailer drops and we discuss our takes on it before Bee steers off of the bad boy cliff and we talk about vampires. Lala pulls us back up though, so all is well.  Captain Awesome and Thief watched Godzilla Vs. Kong and we discuss everything about both characters except the film itself, for the most part. No spoilers.  The podcast is interrupted by the outside arrival of a feline whom Greedy gives chase after.  French authorities are investigating an International