Plan With Dan

Things You Should Consider When Inheriting a Home



Inheriting a home can be major life change and it bring with it a number of decisions that need to be made. Depending on who else was included in the inheritance, you’ll have to figure out what you want to do with it. Every decision brings a different set of pros and cons so understanding those will help you determine what option is best. To see the show notes, click here. ----more---- Check out today's rundown below:  2:55 – The situation that surrounds inheriting a home. 3:45 – When you inherit a home, you essentially have these 3 choices. 4:08 – Capital gains will likely be much lower than you expected. 4:33 – Insurance issue you might face if you don’t plan on occupying the home. 6:37 – Pro and cons to renting the home. 8:17 – Dan shares his own family experience and what decision they made with an inherited home. 9:51 – Estate planning falls under the holistic approach to managing your portfolio. 11:28 – Getting to Know You segment: What hobby would you get into if time and money wasn’t an issu