Plan With Dan

The Real Definition Of “Safe Money”



Today's Objective... It seems that people have different definitions of “safe money” as it relates to their savings. Let’s discuss some of those varying explanations of the term and why it’s an important conversation for any retiree or pre-retiree to have.   Check out the full show notes for this episode: Tactical Points: 2:09 How do people define safe money? This term makes Dan think about insurers trying to sell annuities or those “education” steak dinners that you might have even been invited to attend in the past. It’s an important phrase to understand, but the way it is marketed and utilized is problematic. If Dan had his way, he’d call annuities “locked up money” instead. Safe money, according to Dan, would be when a client has sufficient cash reserves and only the appropriate amount of money at risk in the market. You can break safe money down into three components… Enough cash reserves to sleep at night. A por