Plan With Dan

Famous Last Words (You Don’t Want to Say!) In Retirement



Hopefully your famous last words in life won’t be “Hey y’all, watch this!” And in the financial world, there’s quite a few phrases that you don’t want to be your famous last words either… Dan talks through some common financial phrases that certainly aren’t words to live by. Check out the full show notes: ----more---- Tactical Points: 2:58 “I want to get out of the market and stay out (after 2008)” Dan says this is not the kind of person who would be his client. Taking all your money out of the market will mean you will experience some depreciation with inflation. This is like saying, “I haven’t gone to the doctor since 2008 and I feel okay, so I don’t think I’m going back.” 5:00 “I like the security of cash” Dan spends time convincing several clients to keep money in cash to cover emergency funds or upcoming life events. It is good to have some money in cash, but not all of it. Long-term wealth creat