Insights With Trent Munday

The Uneven Distribution Of Watercooler Conversations #1383



One of the great losses now that the world has moved to Work From Home is those Watercooler Conversations. The serendipitous, informal chats you strike up when you're filling your water bottle, making a coffee or having a cigarette break. But maybe we've over-romanticised those chats? Don't get me wrong, there's definite value there. But the serendipity of these chats has always been unevenly distributed. If you don't smoke, you miss out on the chat when everyone goes for smoko. If you don't drink coffee, you're not there when others are making their cup of Joe. So, as you return to the office, think about how you can facilitate some more inclusive and structured serendipity. Try to even up the distribution of serendipity in your workplace. #serendipity #watercooler #workfromhome