Insights With Trent Munday

Now Could Be A Good Time To ‘Luxury Up’ Your Brand #1382



It's true that many brands, businesses and individuals have been left financially devastated as a result of the COVID-19 Crisis. But, at the Luxury end of the market, things are pretty good. Many luxury brands have experienced record sales during this period. So that says to me that now could be a good time to level up or 'Luxury Up' your brand. If you have a brand that is upscale or premium but not quite at that Luxury level, now is a really good time to try to move up to that next level. The demand is there. The market is there.  Maybe you need to change your packaging or your store layout or your website a little bit.  But these changes don't need to cost a fortune. And just think what that extra 20% 30% or 40% added to the ticket price of your new Luxury products will add to your bottom line! #luxurybrands #luxuryretail #levelup