For Your Success With Katie Hornor

FYS 098: The Truth is - You Can



FYS 098: You can't.... I'm sure you've heard it before. It's crippling. It's smothering. It's discouraging. And then you start to believe it and go on believing more myths like I don't have time... I don't know how... I am not the expert... Today Katie pulls back the curtain exposing the falsities of these statements and sharing the motivational truth that you can - IF you're committed focusing on others. That's how we make a difference.For more info: The Blog Connection - Faith Like Flamingos! book - includes free audio bookwww.SuccessfulOnlineCourses.com7 Habits of Highly Effective People - bookCoaching with KatieThe Queens Mastermind - Invite Katie to Speak - KatieHornor.comCommunity highlight: Claudia Pennington MayerMuseLinda Donewald - Wavy Days n SundaysDana LambertAround My Family Table - recipe blogThank you for tuning in! Please subscribe and leave us a review!Visit our podcast page: