For Your Success With Katie Hornor

FYS 025: Tracie Fobes - Making The End a New Beginning



This is our episode #25. Please subscribe and leave us a review! Today’s guest and her husband worked together to pay off more than $37,000 in debt! She now helps educate others to learn how to budget, get out of debt and be smarter with their finances in her Financial Reboot course. She’s living proof that blogging your way out of a problem can turn into a full-time income. Join us as we talk with the Penny Pinchin Mom, Tracie Fobes.  Thank you for tuning in!  Visit To share your thoughts on today’s show To read the transcript To find links to resources mentioned in the episode To download the MP3 audio file  To help out the show Leave an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews help so much and I personally read EVERY single one. Subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher to get automatic updates every time we release a new episode. Visit our sponsors for this episode: The Blog Connection To sponsor our podcast, start the conversation here: