Killing Your Darlings

KYD 061 - Hackers



Happy Memorial Day, darlings!  We're back with another totally 90s episode of Killing Your Darlings!   This time it's Dan's pick and we are watching quite possibly the most nineties movie to have ever ninetied in the nineties, Hackers!  This movie made Angelina Jolie a star, motorcycle gear an essential fashion choice and Johnny Lee Miller...American? Miller plays a teen computer hacker named Crash Override who as a young boy pulled off one of the greatest hacks in history.  When he moves to NYC with his mom, he falls in with a group of fellow cool teens who are also deep into the hacking scene.  Together they work to prevent a nefarious oil company security magnate (Fisher Stevens) from stealing millions of dollars and framing them for the crime!  As a young hacker himself in the 90s, Dan loved this movie!  But will he love it as a full grown adult hacker*?  Join us and find out!  And don't forget to RATE, REVIEW & SUBSCRIBE!   *ATTENTION ALL INTERNET FBI PERSONNEL: Dan is not actually a hacker, nor was