Killing Your Darlings

KYD 055 - Cool Runnings



Get on up!  It's Bobsled time!  That's right, darlings.  This week we took a poll to see which cold weather movie was your fave and by a landslide, you guys chose Disney's 1993 hit Cool Runnings!  Loosely (and we mean VERY loosely) based on the true story of the first Jamaican Olympic bobsled team!  Derice Bannock (played by the solo monikered Leon) dreams of competing for Olympic gold on the Jamaican track team, just like his father.  But when he is accidentally tripped by a fellow runner during the qualifying race, his dreams seem to be dashed forever.  Until he realizes that he can still compete in the winter Olympics...if he assembles the first ever Jamaican bobsled team!  Aided by his pushcart derby champ friend, Sanka Coffie (played by Doug E. Doug, remember him?), they recruit former bobsledding gold medalist, Irving Blitzer (played by John Candy) as their coach.  They add the runner that tripped Derice to the team as well as the OTHER runner that that dude also tripped (man, that was one serious fall)