Killing Your Darlings

KYD 052 - A Christmas Story



Real talk...we've all been watching bits and pieces of A Christmas Story ever since TBS got the brilliant idea to play this movie for 24 damn hours straight.  But when's the last time you actually sat down and watched it as a complete movie?  Your faithful hosts are currently in the thick of the Holiday Haze, so they're gonna sit down and watch it for you!  You know all the iconic moments: the leg lamp, the kid's tongue sticking to the frozen pole, "I can't put my arms down!" and of course..."You'll shoot your eye out!"  You all know the midwestern boy wants a gun for Christmas.  It's got classic written all over it.  So you know that you love the bits and pieces you catch on TV in between the kids whining over opening presents and your forth glass of Christmas morning zinfandel (just me?)...but do you still love this movie the way Ralphie loves that BB gun?  Join us and find out!  And don't forget to RATE, REVIEW & SUBSCRIBE!