Fresh Tracks With Kelly Robbins

Letting Go of Indecision



I speak with Fresh Tracker Linda Henman, The Decision Catalyst and founder of Henman Performance Group on how to make smart decisions. Linda shares some common reasons why we struggle when making decisions (particularly the big ones!), and provides insight into what we can do to make the decision-making process easier. Linda also provides solid advice on how each of us can learn to make strong decisions over and over again. In this week’s show you’ll discover specific action steps you can do on your own to become a more confident decision-maker! Are some of us naturally better at making decisions than others? How would your life change if each time you made a decision you didn’t look back? Linda explores this topic and more as we learn about ourselves and how we make decisions. Do you make decisions from your rational self or your emotional self? Which is better and why? In this week’s show we look at this as well as discuss the role experience and judgement play in decision making. Show Notes: 2:45 – The REA