Fresh Tracks With Kelly Robbins

Recognizing and Valuing Your Unique Gifts



Episode 09 – Why is it so important to know how special you are and what role does that play in business? How does this knowledge affect your ability to make money? I believe that each of us is unique, is on this planet for a specific reason. How is your behavior different when you KNOW you are a unique way God is seeking to express itself? The truth is this knowledge affects your sales. Your self-confidence. Your ability to succeed. The key to individual success is in knowing that you have a contribution to make to the world that no one can make but you. In this episode of Fresh Tracks we’ll look at how to recognize what our own unique gifts are and how to use them in business. What you know to be true about yourself is what you bring to reality – a look at your reality right now is a great check-in for where you are at. We also spend some time examining resistance. What might that look like and what should you do if you find yourself in resistance.  5:08 – The concept of spiritual self- esteem and what that