My Classic Album With Mike Norris

Episode 7- 40 Years of 'Rumours' with Neil O'Donaghue and Ken Caillat



On 4th February 2017, Fleetwood Mac's 'Rumours' will be 40 years old! Join us and look back at one of the most loved and best selling albums of all time... Mike is joined by Neil O'Donaghue, Fleetwood Mac fan and the man responsible for Together Mike and Neil look back on the emotional, heartbreaking and iconic story behind the making of this phenomenal album. Which song was famously dismissed by a prominent radio presenter because he "couldn't find the beat?" What was Stevie Nicks' process when writing and recording 'Dreams'? Why didn't 'Silver Springs' (the 'Rumours' track that never was) make the album and how did it find it's own lease of life nearly twenty years later?  Not only that but Mike is also joined by 'Rumours' producer and engineer Ken Caillat! Ken has so many stories from his time in the studio with the band and shares a few with Mike exclusively for 'My Classic Album'. What was Ken's initial reaction to the album in its early stages? Which tracks stand out to Ken as p