Diversity Stories

SPLP1: The Natural Soundscape: Listening to Bernie Krause, Evelien van den Broek and Barry Truax



In contemporary Western culture we seem to have lost an intimate connection with the land. More often than not we consider our surroundings as a passive backdrop in which humankind can take center stage: controlling the landscape, developing infrastructures, and extracting resources at will. This rather anthropocentric position has become unviable, however, as recent human-driven ecological crises – like climate change, the dramatic loss of biodiversity and large-scale destruction of habitats – are clearly indicating. If we wish to develop a more sustainable future, we urgently need to reconnect to our environment and restore a more reciprocal relationship with the earth.  In the context of the project Land, studium generale commissioned the Radio ArtEZ series Sounding Places / Listening Places in which writer and music journalist Joep Christenhusz and creator of sound works, musician, writer, poet, and Deep Listener Sharon Stewart enquire how sound and listening can help us to do so. In this first episode