Diversity Stories

Open Call: Send us a voice message from the future!



How do we look to the future in these uncertain times? Can you tell us? We are looking for voices from the future.This project is a collaboration between Radio Artez and artist duo K&A. It started with an artistic project from K&A, called 8102. At the end of 2018, the artists got their hands on dozens of diaries. Diaries that are normally used to organise, capture and control the time, where about to be thrown away. K&A proposed a mirror, a window: 8102. How to imagine a world in more than 6000 years? They invited people from different fields, ages & cultures to fill these agendas during a year. And now, in collaboration with Radio ArtEZ, there’s the satellite program you can join from home: we’re asking everybody to send us voice messages from the year 8102: where will we be, and what will it look like? You can record yourself on your phone and send your message from the future to dennis@denieuwes.com. We will create a kaleidoscopic audio diary as a special episode of Radio ArtEZ. For more