Nancy At Noon

07 Hector & Dianna: A Prison Story



In the beginning....... Today's episode reveals to the world the unlikely and private relationship between Hector, a Latino prisoner in solitary confinement in a Texas penitentiary, and Dianna, a woman in Canada who devoted the greater part of her life to finding inner freedom. This series begins with the first letters that were exchanged between Hector and Dianna, which I am going to read on air. It's private, it's personal, Whether you have been to prison, know someone in prison, or you have nothing to do with prison or prisoners, there are deep messages in this series that everyone can relate to. Be sure to send me your comments and any questions you have. Maybe I will answer them on air. Send to nancy@nancyat and please visit my website at for blog articles, tips and personal and private email consultation services. If you feel stuck in the areas of love, health or relationships, let's start a conversation to get you unstuck. Nancy Murdoch is an artist, author of 3 books and a lic