Nancy At Noon

01 How Do I Tell My Parents I'm Pregnant?



This is my introductory show where I answer questions that listeners send me via email and tell you a little bit about why I decided to do a Q & A type show. Scared Mama asks: Dear Nancy, I’m pregnant and I have to tell my dad and I’m super scared and I don’t know how to do it. I’m 23 years old and I’ve been living with my boyfriend for about 4 years. We are responsible adults. He works and I work part-time while I’m in university getting my degree. My dad is going to get really mad at me and be disappointed in me. He’s going to think I’m going to quit school. Sometimes he gets it in his head about something and won’t listen. Even if I say I’m staying in school he won’t believe me. I actually have nightmares about telling him. I’m terrified. What do I say? An artist wants to know: Dear Nancy, I’m an artist and I want to start selling my work. How do people price their art work, especially commissions? I've had a few people say "price by the hour + materials," but there's no way they're including marketing