7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

178 – ft. Lee Judge: How to Level Up Your Social Media Video Content



Welcome to another episode of B2B Marketing and More with Pam! My guest today is Lee Judge. Lee is the co-founder and CMO of Content Monsta, specialized in digital content marketing and production. Lee is also a fellow speaker. I’ve often seen him at a different speaking circuit, talking passionately about content and content marketing. Today we talk about social media video content. In this episode: How to overcome the fear of being on camera and live video? How to get started with Linkedin videos, and what are some of the best practices? The list of tools to make good video content, from recording to editing. When to use scripts and how to use them. What is a cam link, and how to use it? Learn more about Wirecast and OBS and what are the differences. How to become and appear more natural on camera? What are some business benefits of TikTok video content? What if businesses need to create video content for multiple platforms – benefits and drawbacks When to use a teleprompter, and what are the benefits? How