7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

105 - Five Tips to Prioritize Your Workload



So, I spent several episodes talking about how to create a solid messaging framework and I shared templates on Ep 101, 102, 103 and 104. For today, I want to share a personal story and talk about how to prioritize your workload when you and your team are overworked and understaffed?  A friend called me up several days ago. Let’s call my friend, Mary, and I haven’t heard from her for over 2 years. I was so happy to hear her voice when I picked up the call. I said: “OMG, I am so happy that you called. How are you doing?” Before she can answer me, she started crying…  I was like did someone die or get hurt? Was she fired? What happened?  At that moment, I had many questions, but I decided not to ask and let her cry. After 3-5 minutes, she apologized that she hadn’t called for a long time… I told her I had been a bad friend and I hadn’t called either. This is literally what she said to me:  Pam, I see you creating content, speaking, taking on client projects, promoting yourself… You are doing several persons’ job