7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

81 - How to Get your Marketing Peers to Support Sales?



A fellow marketer from the B2B Marketing Exchange, Regina asked: “How do I get my marketing peers to shift their thinking so they focus on helping sales achieve their goals?”  I’ve discovered that, in enterprises, budget, business goals and measurements influence how marketers behave and function as a team. If your marketing peers are not supporting sales, one of the possible reasons may be that their marketing objectives or success measurements are not set up to motivate that behavior. So my first question to you, Regina, is, how are success metrics are established in your marketing organization? The next question that I want to ask is more philosophical: Should all marketing functions support sales directly? Well, my thought on that question is probably not. Some marketing functions are very much aimed at the top of the funnel, focusing on as social media posts, traditional TV commercials, and even big billboards you see on highways or big shopping centers. These types of marketing efforts are still critica