7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

80 - Join Me at Interact19, MAICON and CMW



Welcome to another episode of 7-Minute Marketing with Pam. My name is Pam Didner. I love sharing a little dose of B2B, digital, content marketing and sales enablement, seven minutes at a time.  I launched a brand-new workshop titled ‘How to leverage existing marketing elements to enable sales’, at B2B Marketing Exchange in February. The workshop was sold out. For it, I created a list of questions and a series of templates to guide marketers to think creatively about ways to help sales using existing marketing elements. Overall feedback was positive for the framework, questions, and templates, but several people requested more case studies. Ok, that’s good feedback. I’ll certainly incorporate that accordingly. In addition to private client training, I am doing 3 more workshops this year as of now. Interact19, April 9-10 in Columbus, Ohio. My workshop is called sales and marketing alignment. This will be a 6-hour long session in which I’ll touch on sales/marketing collaboration, service level agreement, MQL def